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Signature Strength

Identifying and using our strengths is about focusing on the things that come most naturally to us and that we love to do. Strengths are personal characteristics that allow us to perform well or at our personal best. By developing our strengths, it will help us to get the best from ourselves and feel happier. Click here to understand what your strengths are by taking the VIA Character Strengths Test. Review the top 5 of your signature strengths. Do you notice these are the strengths you have naturally? How much have you used your strengths currently? Then pick one of the top strengths and think in what any other areas or other ways you can use it more (Check out here for ideas to use your signature strengths.) Try to use this strength in a new way or area of your life in the following week and repeat the procedures with the other strengths.

Seligman, M. E., Steen, T. A., Park, N., & Peterson, C. (2005). Positive psychology progress: empirical validation of interventions. American psychologist, 60(5), 410.

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